Benefits of eating fermented foods every day.


Fermenting food has been a longstanding way of keeping food without the refrigerator. Unfortunately, after the advent of food storage equipment, people stopped consuming fermented foods, even though they contain many special substances that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of certain body systems.

Thanks to several studies, scientists have found that fermented foods benefit the body despite their unpleasant odor. Therefore, if you decide to eat healthy food, add a portion of fermented foods to your daily menu.

During fermentation, foods undergo a specific fermentation process, during which carbohydrates decompose and produce acids and alcohol. As a result of this process, products acquire a specific taste and smell.

Generally, vegetables, olives, and fruits are the most popular foods that can be fermented. If you love olives, then you should know that it is a fermented product that tastes good. If you test raw and fresh olives, perhaps you will not appreciate their bitter taste.

Taste is not the most important factor that keeps fermented foods at the top of the list of healthy foods.

Their main advantage is a large number of probiotics. The bacteria that arise during fermentation play an important role in the formation of your gut microbiome.

You should consume enough probiotics if you want to have a healthy gastrointestinal tract.
In today’s world, people consume a lot of processed foods that are high in sugar, bad fat, and preservatives. Such food destroys microflora and interferes with the absorption of nutrients. Probiotics can help you keep your intestines working, which can remove all unhealthy substances from your body.

Also, if you take antibiotics or other medications, then your microflora suffers from its influence. If you want to get rid of the negative effects of excessive medicine use, probiotics can help you. Fermented foods give you beneficial bacteria that remain in your intestines, and the bacteria balance is restored.

Benefits of eating fermented foods

Positive effects on digestion.
The intestine is a second brain and many systems of your body depend on the quality of its work. Therefore, you need to monitor the health of your intestines if you do not want to get various diseases. Fermented foods’ prebiotics improves bowel function, prevent inflammation and constipation, and improve lactose malabsorption.

Impact on the immune system.
A healthy intestine ensures a healthy immune system. Antioxidants found in fermented foods reduce the inflammation process. Regular consumption of these foods will provide you with good immunity and prevent the onset of chronic diseases.

Impact on mental health.
Scientists have conducted many studies and found that mental health depends on the functioning of the intestines. Therefore, if your intestinal microflora is at a low level, then this can lead to the development of anxiety, mood changes, and depression. The intestines, like the brain, interact with your nervous system, so if one of these organs is not working properly, the nervous system receives the wrong signals that can disrupt its calmness.

Weight control.
Fermented foods are low in calories and high in fiber and protein. By consuming fermented foods, you get satiated faster and do not feel hungry for several hours after eating. Also, scientists have found that probiotics from fermented foods can help control appetite and affect fat burning.

Influence on the cardiovascular system.
Probiotics help control the level of cholesterol in your body and remove bad cholesterol, allowing your vessels to work more efficiently. As a result, your blood improves and helps your heart function better.

After we understand the benefits of fermented foods, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of foods that are most often fermented and contain many useful substances.

  • Sauerkraut
  • Kombucha
  • Kimchi
  • Yogurt
  • Kefir
  • Tempeh
  • Sourdough
  • Natto
  • Miso

Please note that you should eat fermented foods that have gone through a natural fermentation process and do not contain sugar or preservatives. Prefer farm produce or ferment at home if you can.

Despite the undeniable benefits of fermented foods, you should also be aware of the negative consequences of consuming them.

Excessive consumption of fermented foods can cause flatulence, bloating, or constipation.

If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then you should use fermented foods with caution and exclude them at the first sign of discomfort.

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