Effects of cortisol on your health.


The state of our body depends on the influence of many factors, including the level of hormones. You may not be paying enough attention to your hormonal system, which leads to various physical and mental health problems. One of the hormones that affect your health is cortisol. It is a natural steroid hormone that is formed in the adrenal glands and has an effect on metabolism. Doctors and scientists consider cortisol as a type of C21 steroid, which circulates in the blood in free form, connecting with proteins and erythrocytes.

Cortisol is known as the “stress hormone”, and many try to keep its levels low, resulting in decreased energy levels. This hormone tells you to be active. By stimulating your sympathetic nervous system, it signals your body to act and be active.

Morning is the period of the most active rise in blood cortisol levels. Throughout the day, you use it to keep your activity, and by the evening, its level drops, and you feel tired and want to sleep. It is an ideal situation that is rare in the modern world. People experience tremendous amounts of stress or are immersed in their activities throughout the day, which leads to an increase in cortisol levels throughout the day.

This way gets high levels of cortisol, and its circadian rhythm changes. In the evening, you experience overexcitation of the nervous system, cannot sleep, and get insomnia. Also, your anxiety increases, which leads to an increase in cortisol. You find yourself in a vicious circle from which it is difficult to get out.

Chronically elevated cortisol levels can cause tremendous harm to your health:

  • reduces memory
  • reduces immunity,
  • increases insulin release,
  • disrupts the digestive system,
  • disrupts bone density,
  • increases your body weight,
  • increases blood pressure and cholesterol,
  • disrupts the work of the cardiovascular system, etc.

According to scientists, normal cortisol levels contribute to your activity. But if during the day the balance of its production and consumption is disturbed, then you get a hormonal imbalance, which leads to a violation of your health. Therefore, you should allow your cortisol to come out. Scientists recommend several ways to help you normalize your cortisol production and lower it towards the end of your day.

In many developed countries, such as the United States, cortisol is now called “public health enemy number one.” A sedentary American lifestyle raises cortisol levels in people of all ages. It creates a crisis in the health care system and leads to a huge depletion of the national economy.

Today you can start your journey towards health. Use simple methods to balance cortisol levels that will change your lifestyle and reduce stress and anxiety in your life.

Regular physical activity.
Active sports can help you get rid of aggression without harming others and reduce cortisol levels. Short aerobic exercise (20-30 minutes) can relieve you of unnecessary stress and bring your hormonal system into harmony.

Scientists claim that when you exercise, you get rid of negative emotions and trigger the mechanisms for the production of neurons of joy and happiness, while the level of cortisol drops.

You can choose any kind of workout, including yoga, running, cycling, or gym workout. Any activity allows you to throw cortisol out.
You shouldn’t train hard every day. Take half an hour every day for moderate exercise to improve your condition. Exercising daily to the edge of your capacity is counterproductive and can increase cortisol levels. So don’t train too hard.

The benefits of meditation have been proven by scientists for a long time. Therefore, do not neglect such an affordable and simple way to reduce the stress level in your life. Use any kind of meditation. They all reduce anxiety and improve your physical and emotional health. 10-15 minutes of daily meditation will help you relax and strengthen your nervous system. As a result, cortisol levels drop, and you feel calm.

Comunicate with people.
Scientists have conducted some studies during which they found that social isolation leads to an increase in cortisol levels. It is especially dangerous for adolescents when their mental health and stress resistance are vulnerable. Chronic high levels of cortisol in adolescents can cause mental illness in predisposed people.

Enjoy your life.
Simple things like watching a good movie, listening to music, or hanging out with friends have a positive effect on your mental health and help lower your cortisol levels. Therefore, do what pleases you, and your nervous system will be safe.

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