Panic attacks: how to cope with it.


Mental illnesses manifest themselves in various forms, and people sometimes ignore them, considering them to be just traits of mental exhaustion. Oftentimes, people are oblivious to sudden fear or unreasonable feelings of anxiety. These symptoms indicate that you have panic attacks that interfere with the comfort of your life. This mental illness is not fully understood, but scientists believe that most of the situations are caused by a genetic predisposition. Also, as statistics show, women suffer from panic attacks more often 3 times than men.

Uncontrolled and unreasonable fear is not a fatal disease, but people experiencing these feelings think that they may die in these moments of panic. Initially, panic attacks can rarely appear and a person does not experience much discomfort in his life, so time will help restore energy after an attack. But over time, the disease develops, and attacks appear more and more often. And then the person realizes that the quality of his life has changed and he/she cannot control his fear. Anxiety symptoms prevent a person from experiencing positive feelings, which leads to an aggravation of the psychological state.

If you know that you have a predisposition for panic attacks, you can prevent them by improving the quality of your lifestyle. It means you should have proper nutrition, minimize stress, make your sleep deep and healthy.

You shouldn’t concentrate your attention on the problem and think about it all the time. Using meditation helps you to normalize your emotional condition. If you see that the attacks have become more frequent or longer, you should contact a specialist. Psychological therapy can help you identify the root cause of your fear and anxiety and get rid of them. But sometimes, the doctor may even prescribe medication, including taking antidepressants.

Please note that each case is unique and requires an individual approach to treatment. Also, the rate of aggravation of this disease is different for everyone. Someone experiences one attack every six months for ten years, while others may experience it every day.

Various factors can cause a panic attack. It arises spontaneously as a result of the strongest nervous and emotional stress. In doing so, your body responds quickly to this stress. Your muscles seem to be paralyzed, and you cannot control them. You may experience chills, blurred vision, numbness in your arms and legs, and even your gait may change. A powerful release of adrenaline occurs at this moment, and you experience panic.

Also, a panic attack can provoke feelings of shortness of breath, heart pain or heart rhythm disturbances, dizziness, increased sweating, and others.

You should learn to read your body and emotion signals correctly to prevent panic attacks. When you realize that a panic attack is coming, sit back and relax. This way will avoid loss of consciousness and physical damage to the body. Then start breathing slowly. Breathe in and out through your nose. You had better focus your attention on your breathing and letting your brain relax. Breathing fills your blood with oxygen, and your mind starts working more consciously.

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