The benefits of vitamin B12 and the harms of its deficiency.


Consuming all essential vitamins and nutrients ensures your body’s healthy functions. Therefore, a deficiency of one element triggers negative processes in all systems of your body. You must understand that a lack of a vitamin such as B12 leads to disruption of your health and the appearance of certain diseases.

Vitamin B12 is a substance that is composed of several types of cobalamins. The most important of them for your health is cyanocobalamin, which looks like a red crystalline powder. This component has several physicochemical properties that preserve its beneficial:

  • resistance to air;
  • stability at high temperatures;
  • the ability to remain active even in an acidic environment.

Scientists have proved the benefits of vitamin B12. But, the condition of your gastrointestinal system affects the efficiency of vitamin absorption and its effect on your health reducing the effectiveness of vitamin B12, because it interferes with the production of gastric juice.

The positive effect of vitamin B12 on the body.

Only a regular intake of vitamin B12 is beneficial. If you consume enough of the vitamin, you help some healthy processes in your body such as:

  • an increase in energy reserves in cells and tissues;
  • activation of tissue regeneration processes;
  • improving concentration and memory;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • improving the functioning of the brain;
  • strengthening bones;
  • reducing the level of anxiety;
  • improving appetite;
  • improving the function of the female and male reproductive system;
  • improvement of the mental state;
  • improving metabolism;
  • strengthening of immunity;
  • improving sleep quality.

Signs of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

The negative symptoms that appear in your body may indicate a vitamin B12 deficiency. Therefore, if you notice some of these symptoms, you should suspect a vitamin deficiency:

  • persistent insomnia;
  • lack of energy;
  • fast fatigability;
  • high level of anxiety and nervousness;
  • deterioration in the appearance of the skin;
  • violation of appetite;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • noise in ears;
  • frequent headache;
  • numbness and tingling in the hands or feet;
  • heart palpitations;
  • dyspnea.

You can prevent vitamin B12 deficiency by balancing your diet. You can include some foods in your diet every day. You should eat chicken or turkey meat, nuts, dairy products, eggs, fatty fish such as trout and salmon.

WHO has developed recommendations on the daily dose for certain categories of people. Doctors use these recommendations to identify vitamin deficiencies in their patients and determine how to correct them.
Unfortunately, you cannot independently determine the amount of vitamin consumed. If you focus your attention on the calculation of all nutrients, you can lose your mental balance. Therefore, you can have a blood test that will show the level of vitamin B12 in your body. If you are unable to correct your vitamin deficiency with the correct diet, you should see your doctor. As a rule, the doctor will prescribe a vitamin complex according to your health condition. You should not take vitamins without a doctor’s recommendation because you cannot determine the correct dose. Uncontrolled intake of synthetic vitamin B12 leads to its accumulation in your body. Your liver cannot remove it, which leads to vitamin deficiency. A healthy person has a significant amount of cyanocobalamin. Therefore, if you take synthetic vitamin B12 without a doctor’s recommendation, you are damaging your health.

As a rule, vegetarians, elderly people, and those who use fasting have a lack of vitamin B12. This category of people should monitor their health and consult a doctor several times a year to control the level of vitamins in their blood.

Also, diseases such as renal failure, diabetes, inflammation of the gastric mucosa, disruption of the gastrointestinal system interfere with the absorption of vitamin B12, which leads to its deficiency. Therefore, this category of people takes a synthetic vitamin to eliminate the deficiency.
You must remember that taking vitamins without a doctor’s prescription leads to a violation of your health. Only a doctor can calculate the correct daily dose by a person’s age and health problems.

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