Conflict management is a skill that improves your relationships.


Social connections are an integral part of every person’s life. Each of you needs to communicate with others. Unfortunately, sometimes relationships may not go the way you want.

As a rule, the causes of conflict situations are fundamental differences. But, sometimes, the cause of the conflict can be a misunderstanding of each other.

Each of you was born and raised in different families with different values, outlook on life, principles. Therefore, you evaluate the words of another person from your position and do not see that your opponent puts a different meaning in these words. But, sometimes, everything happens the other way around. You hear what the person is not saying. You see the hidden meaning in the words of the other person. In both cases, you misinterpret what you are told.

Psychologists say that everyone can learn to manage conflict and improve communication with others.

Conflict can benefit relationships with relatives and colleagues. You can learn to manage the conflict to benefit from the situation.

Every day you find yourself in situations that cause anger, irritation, tension, and discord.
If you stop fearing conflict, you will see a lot of opportunities. Conflict helps you move to a new level in your relationship and change it for the better.
If you want to manage conflict, you must learn to manage your thoughts and emotions.

To successfully manage conflict, the author recommends developing the following six skills.

1. Respect the opinion of the opponent. Regardless of who you conflict with, you need to understand that the other person wants to bridge the gap and tell you about his / her feelings and thoughts. Therefore, listen to every word without judgment.

2. Avoid aggression or dislike. Your task is to find a solution to the problem. Therefore, express your thoughts calmly without aggression. Your opponent wants to resolve the conflict as much as you. Therefore, you have a common goal that unites you.

3. Choose the right time for conflict. Sometimes emotions prevent you from making the right decisions. Therefore, the conflict requires awareness. Postpone the showdown until the emotions fade away.

4. Identify the source of the conflict. Listen to yourself and your opponent and understand what each of you is trying to achieve. Perhaps each of you speaks about your needs. Their satisfaction will help resolve the conflict.

5. Seek common interest. Compromise does not satisfy both sides of the conflict. As a result of a compromise, neither side gets what they want. But, if you find a solution that satisfies both sides, your conflict will disappear.

6. Respect each other. All relationships should be based on mutual respect and the ability to accept the other person’s point of view. You shouldn’t be rude to your opponent because this behavior will increase the conflict.

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