The harm of watching TV for the harmonious development of the child.


The bright screen attracts the attention of children of all ages. Sometimes it turns into a manic desire to spend all the time looking at this screen. The child wants nothing more than watching cartoons or TV shows. Walking, cycling, playing with friends does not attract the child and do not cause positive emotions. This behavior is a sign of a child’s TV addiction. Therefore, experts are confident that a child should have a limited time to watch TV. The child should experience a different range of emotions and learn about the world through active games with peers, entertainment, reading, and so on.

The harm of excessive TV viewing.

Scientists are studying the effect of flickering images on the brain. Some of the findings from these studies suggest that excessive TV viewing can interfere with neural connections and cause body cramps.

When looking at the TV screen, the eyes of the child are very strained, which leads to a deterioration in vision. If you want to preserve your child’s eyesight, limit it to TV for up to 7 years.

Modern television gives too much empty information that forms a wrong perception of the world in a child. This information overloads the nervous system, which leads to various diseases. Due to a large amount of visual information in a child, the right hemisphere of the brain develops more intensively than the left, which is responsible for reading. Therefore, dyslexia can develop from excessive TV viewing.

Long hours with TV replaces the child’s communication with the outside world, influencing the formation of his values ​​and perception of the world. Therefore, the influence of the TV is much greater than yours. It leads to conflicts between you and your children.

You may have noticed that after a few hours of watching TV before bedtime, your child has a problem with sleep. He/she cannot sleep for a long time or wakes up frequently at night. Scientists argue that the reason is a violation of the production of the sleep hormone postures by exposure to specific rays of the TV screen.

At the same time, your attempts to stop watching TV or limit the time of this activity cause aggression in your children. They can scream, cry to make you give up.
Experts recommend avoiding aggressive ways of interacting with your child. They suggest using constructive ways to limit the amount of time you watch TV.

Some tricks to help keep your child free from TV addiction:

  • do not turn on the TV if you are not watching it. Many parents turn on the TV for no reason to create the background, which leads to uncontrolled TV viewing by your child from the first days of life.
  • control the quality of the content your child is watching.
  • adjust the screen brightness and keep an eye on the distance between your baby and the screen.
  • set a TV viewing limit based on your child’s age.
  • make days without TV.

Ways to reduce your child’s TV addiction.

Psychologists do not recommend using harsh measures and restrictions if your child is already used to watching TV all his free time. You shouldn’t scold him, it can lead to backlash, and the situation can worsen. Start decreasing your viewing time gradually. Reduce your TV viewing limit by a few minutes each week. This way, your child will not experience much stress. After a few months, you will be able to set your TV viewing limit to no more than 30 minutes a day.

Also, you should find out about your child’s interests and organize their day so that they forget about the TV. Each child has his hobbies and interests. Make an effort and find out what your child likes besides TV.

A modern child cannot grow up in conditions of complete restriction from TV and the Internet. Therefore, you should learn to maintain balance even in restrictive measures.

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