Workaholism: negative consequences to your health.


Overtime work is a common thing in any kind of job. But, some people spend too much time at work without noticing that their whole life is connected only with work.

No boss will tell you that you are a workaholic because they all love hardworking workers. It is beneficial for them to have workers who are ready to work 24 hours a day.

If you’re willing to sacrifice health, personal relationships, and even your quality of life for work, that’s a sign of workaholicism. Psychiatrists claim that obsession brings people to their offices. Sometimes, workaholism can cause serious health problems and can be fatal.

The reasons for workaholism are still poorly understood. But, the situation is gradually changing. In recent years this phenomenon has begun to attract more and more attention of scientists from all over the world.
Nowadays The American Psychiatric Association does not classify workaholism as a mental illness.
However, the obsession with work hurts both the physical and mental state of health. Some scientists have become interested in the phenomenon of workaholism and have conducted several studies. They concluded that workaholics work less efficiently than people with a healthy attitude to work. Also, they found that most workaholics have psychiatric problems such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, depression, and others.

Workaholism is an obsessive and uncontrollable desire to work or think about work.
Even while relaxing, such people think about work and may feel a longing for work. A healthy worker thinks about rest, even during work. Workaholics sacrifice their time for work.

You can determine if you are a workaholic or not.
You may notice signs of workaholism yourself. You can notice such signs as:

  • all your thoughts are about work,
  • all your time is devoted to working,
  • work is a therapy for negative emotions, anxiety, and depression,
  • you are stressed if you cannot work,
  • you have no hobbies because of work,
  • your health has deteriorated significantly, and you do not want to waste your time visiting a doctor.

A workaholic cannot find a balance between work and personal life.

Some bosses believe that workaholism is a sign of a good employee who has high levels of ambition, hard work, and efficiency. However, such people are prone to burnout. Therefore, their working capacity may be reduced to a low level. Also, the quality of work of workaholics does not always satisfy management.

Workaholism is a fairly new phenomenon that requires careful study. Scientists are trying to find out whether workaholism is a disease or a consequence of an existing mental illness.

In some countries, business leaders try to help such people. They create groups of workaholics, and psychotherapists work with them. This therapy helps people to get rid of the compulsion to work. A healthy worker can do more work in less time, and the quality of his work is high.

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