Interval fasting is becoming popular among dieters around the world. Its effectiveness has been proven by a few studies, and interval fasting options allow you to choose the right system that you can easily follow. Of course, the first days will be hard to refuse food at a certain time. But then you realize that a break in food gives you the easiness. You wake up in the morning without heaviness in your stomach.
During interval fasting, you should adhere to the rules of healthy eating, and water regime. Also, you can drink coffee and tea. But there is a very hard type of interval fasting, when you eat only solid food and when liquid under the ban. Not everyone can decide on such an experiment, but some people can do it for religious reasons or a beautiful body.

Unlike ordinary interval fasting, dry fasting involves refusing both food and liquid for a certain time. You cannot even drink water or tea during a famine. Those who observe Ramadan know how to live without water and food throughout the day.
Sometimes people use interval fasting to prevent or treat a disease. But, at the same time, they can drink water during such kind of fasting. Thus, dry interval fasting is aimed more at weight loss than for recovery of your health.
Please note that during dry interval fasting you cannot eat fruits and vegetables, as they contain a lot of liquid.
Fans of dry intermittent fasting claim that such a nutrition system brings many health benefits. But, unfortunately, the researchers did not conduct enough research that could confirm this theory by 100%. They agree that this food system has several advantages, but they relate to all types of fasting. Scientists cannot say that dry fasting has an advantage over the usual type of interval fasting.
Weight loss.
During intermittent fasting, calorie intake per day decreases. You have a very small period, and you cannot eat very much during this time. Thus, the amount of food is reduced, and therefore the total number of calories.
Of course, dry fasting helps to lose weight in a short time, but it can harm health due to an insufficient amount of fluid in the body. Therefore, try to drink plenty of water during the period when you are not fasting.
Decreased blood sugar.
As some studies show, dry intermittent fasting, like other types of fasting, reduces insulin resistance.
Even if you do not have the goal of losing weight, you can do interval fasting 1 or 2 times a week to prevent the development of diabetes.
Brain function.
Some studies that have been conducted on mice have shown that during fasting brain work much better. This finding may help in finding a cure for Alzheimer’s.
Additional studies are underway, but the results are not yet clear.
Inflammatory processes disappear.
Scientists suggest that interval fasting affects the development of inflammatory processes in the body, reducing them. They conduct a series of studies that have optimistic forecasts.
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