FMD is a fasting-mimicking diet.


Just a few diets have received scientific community approval due to their nutrient limitations. However, scientists continue to study various nutritional systems to slow the aging process. Numerous studies have shown that short-term fasting has a positive effect on the functioning of all body systems. But, few people can withstand a complete refusal to eat. Scientists suggest a more gentle way. Imitation of hunger or mimicry is a way to deceive your own body. You do not have to completely give up food, while your cells will be mildly hungry.

People who use this way of eating have a specific goal. Typically this is to rejuvenate the body, reduce weight, activate the production of cells, and improve the quality of the body.

Fake fasting is a diet where the body reacts as if it were fasting. In this case, you can eat a certain amount of food during the fasting period.

Long-term use of a low-calorie diet can lead to metabolic disorders, hormonal systems, and a decrease in muscle mass. Mimicry is a safer and more effective way to improve your health and fitness.

At the same time, the short-term nature of this method of nutrition does not reduce its effectiveness. You get the same effects as prolonged fasting, but with minimal risks.

Benefits of mimicry:

  • Restoration of the immune system.
  • Autophagy activation.
  • Reduction of adipose tissue through ketosis.
  • Reduction of C-reactive protein and reduction of oxidative stress.
  • Increased gene expression.
  • Strengthening the brain, including mental activity.
  • Improving fasting blood glucose.

A state of mild hunger allows your brain to function better and begins to form new neural connections. An increase in neural connections is a sign of youth. Therefore, by deceiving your body, you are giving it a chance to become younger and healthier. This is a lie to the rescue.

If you are interested in this topic, there is some information you need to know to help you use it correctly.

You should stick to this diet for 3-7 days to start ketone metabolism and lower blood glucose levels. Longer use of this diet can lead to health problems. Therefore, you should not use FMD more than once a month.

Also, you should change your lifestyle during this period. Therefore, you should warn your family members about these changes and get their support. Try to remove all food from the house that does not fit into this food system. If this is not possible, make sure you do not see it. Also, you must sleep enough and not forget about physical activity. Avoid strenuous workouts during this period and replace them with yoga, walking, or Pilates.

Typically, the diet for the first day of FMD consists of 1000 calories, the remaining days 750 calories.
The diet consists of foods that are easy to digest and stick to small portions.
You can drink coffee and tea, but no more than one cup per day, and no added milk, cream, syrups, or sugar.

Please note that if you have any health problems, be sure to consult with your healthcare professional before starting the FMD diet. This nutrition system has some contraindications.

Contraindications to the use of FMD:

  • underweight,
  • diabetes,⠀
  • cardiovascular insufficiency,
  • hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver,
  • pregnancy,
  • breastfeeding,
  • thrombophlebitis,⠀
  • hypotension and so on.

The list of contraindications can be much longer, so your doctor will be able to tell you about the possibility of using this food system based on your health indicators.

Your doctor may prescribe some nutritional supplements to help you avoid critical nutrient deficiencies. It’s also important to take supplements to ensure that your body gets all the nutrients and electrolytes it needs.

Scientists believe FMD reduces the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer.

Rules for the composition of the diet.

Your diet should consist only of plant foods, which should be 9% protein, 44% fat, and 47% complex carbohydrates.
Sources of fat can be avocados, nuts, and various seeds. Complex carbohydrates are whole grains. The sources of protein are grains and lentils. You should have a lot of green leaves vegetables in your diet, and you can add some berries, too.

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