Hormone therapy: the most common myths.


Hormone therapy is one of the treatments for various diseases. It is especially relevant in gynecology. Despite the frequent use of hormones in the treatment of gynecological diseases, many women fear this method. The existence of a myth about the dangers of hormone therapy makes women refuse this type of treatment, which leads to serious health problems. Therefore, we will try to figure out whether it is so dangerous for women’s health.

Hormones are chemical messengers necessary for your body that affect the functioning of all systems.
The hormones are produced by the thyroid gland, the adrenal glands, the ovaries in women, and the testes in men, the microscopic glands, and the pancreas. Sometimes some system starts producing too many or little hormones, and your doctor can prescribe synthetic hormonal drugs to balance the entire hormonal system.

Nowadays, scientists have developed many hormonal drugs that are of high quality and do not harm health if it is used correctly. These drugs give excellent results, while most of them have a small percentage of side effects.

Hormone therapy is prescribed only by a doctor in certain cases:

  • reduction of menopausal symptoms;
  • reduction of pain symptoms during menstruation,
  • surgical removal of the ovaries in women and the testes in men,
  • as a means of contraception,
  • ECO,
  • infertility treatment,
  • treatment of gynecological diseases.

The appointment of hormone therapy occurs only with the consent of the patient, and unfortunately, some of them refuse effective treatment only because of delusion. The doctor cannot force the patient to use certain drugs, but he/she can destroy the myths about their influence. If you do not want to suffer from false information about hormone therapy, we recommend that you study all the pros and cons of this procedure and only then make decisions. To make your life easier, we will try to destroy a few myths about hormone therapy.

Only severe illnesses require hormonal therapy.

Hormone therapy is prescribed even at the initial stages of diseases or their prevention. Correctly selected drugs can prevent the development of certain diseases. In this case, the doctor prescribes a small dose of hormones, which does not harm your health.

Hormones are regular pills.
Hormone medications have a big effect on how your body works, so you should follow the recommendations for taking them. Typically, all hormone pills are taken at the same time. Violation of the regimen can reduce the effectiveness of therapy.

Hormonal drugs are not excreted from the body.
If you adhere to the rules for taking drugs and their dosage, then when they enter the body, they immediately decompose into chemical compounds that leave the body naturally.

Pregnancy is a contraindication for hormone therapy.
If a pregnant woman has problems with the health of the hormonal system, this can affect the health of her child. Therefore, the doctor may prescribe the intake of hormones that normalize her health and do not disrupt the development of the child.

Hormonal drugs lead to obesity.
Modern hormonal drugs have a balanced dose of hormones, so their effect on body weight is minimal. Sometimes the first months of taking hormones, weight may increase, but not significantly. Over time, your body becomes accustomed to the hormones and returns to its original weight.

Hormone therapy can be replaced with another type.
The prescription of hormones has serious prerequisites. The doctor makes such a decision only based on the test results. Therefore, prescribing hormones is a necessary step in your recovery, and no other method can affect the state of your hormonal system.

Long-term prescription of hormonal drugs leads to health problems.
When prescribing hormone therapy, the doctor takes into account your condition and determines the dosage and duration of admission. You can take the right drug for years and not feel any discomfort. It all depends on the qualifications and professionalism of your doctor. Hormone therapy is not prescribed for a week. It is a long process, and you must follow all the recommendations of your doctor.

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