Workout in the heat: safety rules.


The heat is very exhausting, but this is not a reason to give up training. There are some rules you need to follow to keep yourself healthy. Summer is a great time to train and lose weight. If you plan on using the winter training programs, your workout can be a test of your endurance and health.

Too high an air temperature puts a huge strain on the cardiovascular system. Your heart starts to work harder, the blood vessels expand, which leads to a decrease in blood pressure. In this state, you experience a breakdown and cannot even do routine work. If you have problems with blood pressure, you should choose your workout responsibly.

Also, the heat helps to reduce the level of fluid in your body, which causes the blood to thicken, and the heart has to add intensity to transport it through the body. Therefore, the heat increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Excessive sweating leads to the loss of important minerals, which negatively affects your health.

Thus, the heat reduces the effectiveness of the training. Your muscles are not getting the blood, oxygen, and minerals they need to grow.

Trainers confident that some rules of training in the heat will help you get the benefits of training and not harm your health.

Doctors draw your attention to the fact that even the presence of air conditioning does not save you from the risks of training in the heat. If you experience health problems from the heat during the day, you need to stop exercising or reduce its intensity. Summer training should be different from winter training.

Exercise tips.

  1. Don’t forget to warm up before exercising. Use gentle, low-intensity exercise.
  2. Increase rest time between sets.
  3. Basic training should not cause breathing or heart problems. Therefore, you should avoid high intensity and circuit training.
  4. Do cardio at a slow pace.
  5. Stretch at the end of your workout.

If you work out in an apartment or gym, try to use an air conditioner. If you prefer exercising outdoors, exercise early in the morning or in the evening when the heat subsides. Pay attention to your condition. If you feel faint, dizzy, increased heart rate, etc., you should replace the workout with a slow walk during the cooler period of the day.

The heat dries out your body, so drink water. Each of you has a different need for water, so be guided by your feelings. Drink small portions throughout the day, but often. This way, your blood gets fluid, and its density does not increase.

Also, you should not set your records during this period and test your body. Reduce your workout load by a third. This way, you can keep your body toned without tremendous stress.

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