Body Cutting: rules, pros and cons.


Who doesn’t want a lean and healthy body? This desire is especially common during the beach period. You should understand that a too-thin body is not healthy. Therefore, everyone wants to have a body with beautiful muscles. You can have such a body if you regularly go to the gym and exercise responsibly. Having muscle mass is a big advantage. If you want to make your muscles more visible, you should try a special way to improve your body shape. This is   boddy cutting .

Many bodybuilders use this technique before the competition. But if you are not a professional athlete, you can also use some of the rules of this system and make your body irresistible.

Cutting is a complex of measures aimed at losing weight, which includes physical activity and a certain diet. Thanks to this complex, subcutaneous fat is burned, muscles are preserved, and weight loss occurs with the benefit of the human body.

The main difference between cutting and a regular diet is the result. The diet focuses on weight loss. Limiting your diet lowers the level of fat and muscle in your body. Cutting aims to reduce the level of fluid and subcutaneous fat in your body, making your muscles more visible.
The main condition for the use of cutting is the presence of muscle mass. If you have too much fat in your body, cutting will not help to improve your body shape.

Despite the amazing result of using cutting, it has contraindications. Also, you shouldn’t use it for more than two months.

Only after consulting your doctor, you can decide to use such sistem.
Experts say that there are certain categories of people who can use cutting:

  1. those who have sufficient muscle volume and want to remove excess fat.
  2. professional athletes.

If you exercise to maintain health and your body quality is good, you should not use body cutting.

If you decide to use this technique for improving your body shape, you should know its basic rules.
Basic rules for citting:

  • protein is the foundation of the diet.
  • vegetables and fruits within the daily allowance.
  • reducing carbohydrate intake.
  • consuming alcohol, sweets, and fast food is unacceptable.
  • reducing the amount of fat consumed.
  • drink plenty of water.
  • rest.
  • strict adherence to the training schedule.
  • diet.
  • exit from drying should be moderate and gradual.

Experts say you should stick to your diet and eat the right amount of calories. At the same time, each person needs an individual approach to calculating the calorie content of food. You can have help from a dietitian or use online calculators.

The food complex should consist of 80% of food that contains protein. It is necessary to form muscles and beautiful body relief. 1 kg of body weight should account for up to 2.5 g of proteins per day for women and 3-4 g for men. Moreover, 70% of all proteins obtained by the body must be of animal origin. That is, it is meat, fish, cottage cheese, eggs. Animal proteins contain essential amino acids for the body, which is a rapid build-up of muscle mass.
The remaining 30% of the protein you can get from plant foods. It is necessary in order not to put too much stress on your body.

The amount of carbohydrates is significantly reduced during cutting. However, you shouldn’t rule them out entirely. Generally, the best sources of carbohydrates during this period are vegetables and berries. You can also eat whole grains, which contain complex carbohydrates for your energy. For the first few days, you should consume 3 g of carbohydrates per kg of body weight. The amount should gradually decrease. In the middle of the period, the number of carbohydrates should not exceed 1 g per body weight.

Cutting is stressful for your body. Therefore, you should think carefully about everything and make a decision that will benefit you. You can analyze the pros and cons before making such a decision.
Contraindications for the use of cutting include:

  • lack of a main source of energy.
  • monotonous menu,
  • constant monitoring of the medical indicators of your health,
  • strict intensive training regimen,
  • it is a lengthy process that cannot be completed before the last of its stages comes to an end.

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