Tokyo is getting ready for a world-class event. Already less than half a year is left before the Olympic Games. Japan is very responsible for organizing this event. To date, $25 billion has already been spent on the organization. Initially, Japan planned to spend a significantly smaller amount, but in the preparation of financial expenses increased. It is planned that 11,000 athletes will take part in the 2020 Olympic Games. Construction of media camps, hotel complexes, and sports complexes is underway. In addition to athletes, many spectators will come, it is necessary to prepare all the conditions for them, too.

And in an instant, everything was in jeopardy.
Dick Pound, an official at the International Olympic Committee said that due to the spread of сoronavirus from China to Japan, the Olympic Games could be canceled.
Dick Pound is confident that people want to be confident in their safety. And the Olympic Committee is obliged to provide this security to all athletes, their teams and spectators.
He assures that the decision to cancel the Olympic Games has not yet been taken. But the situation is constantly being studied and the Olympic Committee takes three months to make a decision. If the situation with coronavirus does not improve, there is a risk of closing the Olympics in Tokyo in 2020.
According to the World Health Organization, to date, 77,000 of them have been ill in the world, of which 2,600 have died. Including in Japan, 5 deaths from coronavirus were recorded.
The virus is not considered fatal, but people whose respiratory system is impaired and older people are at risk of mortality. But the rapid spread of the virus around the world terrifies people, and a global panic has begun.
Many countries, including Japan, decided to suspend large-scale sporting events for two weeks.
But the IOC asks athletes to prepare for the Olympics as usual, as the IOC continues to prepare for the games in Tokyo on July 24.
Pound warns, if the level of danger rises, then the games will be canceled completely and not rescheduled. Сhange the date of the Olympics is very problematic and will require additional financial injections, and this is not economically beneficial for any of the countries.
He urges sportsmen and spectators not to panic and follow the news. Nobody plans to expose people to danger, so everything is under the control of the World Health Organization and the IOC. In the event of an increase in the epidemic, everyone will be warned of the danger and cancellation of the Olympic Games.
If the Games in 2020 are canceled, then this will be the second case of the cancellation of the Olympics in Tokyo. It was canceled for the first time in 1940 due to the war between Japan and China.
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