Although quarantine restrictions still exist, many people go to the beach. The sun, sea, and sand are the best medicine. But even though the sea helps you strengthen your health, you can harm it if you neglect simple safety rules.

Long exposure to the sun can cause skin burns, overheating, sun, or heat stroke. If you suffer from cardiovascular disease, you should be careful with relaxing on the beach in hot weather. Children and old people are at increased risk of heat or sunstroke. Therefore, take care of your loved ones and make sure that they do not overheat.
You should know that sunstroke or heatstroke develops very quickly, and you should be mindful of any changes in your condition.
If you want to avoid heat or sunstroke, use a few rules on the beach:
- wear lightweight clothing made from natural fabrics;
- do not drink alcohol;
- put a hat on your head;
- use sunscreen;
- try to be in the shade;
- drink water.
Heat and sunstroke have similar symptoms:
- redness of the skin;
- weakness;
- dyspnea;
- cold sweat;
- severe headache and dizziness;
- darkening in the eyes;
- increased or weakened heart rate;
- high temperature;
- nausea, vomiting.
- Sometimes overheating can cause seizures and loss of consciousness.
If you notice some of the symptoms of overheating in yourself or someone, you should contact your doctor immediately and give first aid.
- go to a cool place and lie. You should know that your head must be with the body on the same line;
- moisten face and body with cold water;
- drink cold water.
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