Mountain biking: how to get started.


Cycling is good for your mind and body. But, if you want to diversify your physical activity, you can try mountain biking. This is a sport that helps to develop endurance, strength, cycling skills, and self-confidence.

If you are a beginner athlete, you should join a group with an experienced instructor. Mountain biking is a rather dangerous and difficult sport, so you need to be with someone to help you in case of injury or other unpleasant situations. In addition, the sport requires a certain technique of execution. The instructor tells you the basic rules of cycling in the mountains and draws your attention to details that will help you not harm your health.

The basic rule is the correct position of the body during moving up. In this case, you can ride a bike while standing or sitting. The instructor explains when you need to change your body position. You should tilt the body forward a little, arms are strong and do not bend, the head is slightly pressed to the neck, all the muscles of the legs work, especially the calf muscles.

Also, before climbing the mountains, you should choose a speed that will allow the willows to travel at a pace that is comfortable for you. Do not change the speed mode when you have already started climbing the hill, as you risk breaking your bike.

Also, pay attention to your outfit. Do not take too many things because they will give you overload, and you will get tired very quickly. You must have water, some medicine, and a tool to fix your bike.

Start your mountain biking with a short distance. Once you have mastered the basic rules and techniques, you can increase the distance.

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