Pelvic organ prolapse: symptoms and causes.


Every second woman is faced with gynecological problems of varying degrees. Among such diseases, about 30% are due to prolapse of the pelvic organs. Unfortunately, this pathology is getting younger and is encountered in women of a very young age. At the same time, even women who have not given birth may face such a problem. Many women are embarrassed to talk about such kinds of problems and ignore the symptoms of prolapse of the pelvic organs. If you do not see a doctor in the early stages of the onset of this pathology, this can lead to huge health problems and you will need surgery.

Prolapse is a disease that manifests itself in a violation of the placement of the uterus and the walls of the vagina, as well as the movement of the genitals to the vaginal opening. Ignoring this pathology leads to prolapse of the uterus and genitals outside the vagina.

The prolapse of the uterus appears gradually, and the woman may not notice the problem at an early stage. Therefore, you should visit your gynecologist every six months because the doctor can identify a malfunction of the genitals in the early stages.

The reason for the prolapse of the genitals can be the woman’s lifestyle, disruption of the hormonal system, various gynecological diseases, and so on.
Doctors name the most common causes of prolapse, and these include:

  • difficult and prolonged childbirth,
  • imbalance of hormones,
  • lack of steroids and estrogens,
  • increased intra-abdominal pressure,
  • circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs,
  • obesity,
  • a sedentary lifestyle and low physical activity.

Every woman can notice signs of dysfunction of the genitals and their prolapse. If you notice even one symptom, you should see a doctor who can choose a treatment for your problem.

Pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • painful sensations in the vagina,
  • discomfort and heaviness in the lower abdomen,
  • problems with urination,
  • frequent constipation,
  • the sensation of a foreign body in the perineum, making it difficult to walk.

To avoid serious consequences, it is necessary at the first signs to contact a specialist who diagnoses the disease and prescribes the most effective treatment for pelvic organ prolapse.

We do not recommend that you self-medicate. You should have qualified help.

The early stages of prolapse of the genitals can be eliminated with conservative treatment. This method includes therapeutic exercises and special exercises, improving bowel function, restoring hormone balance with medication. At the same time, doctors forbid women to lift weights during treatment.

If your pathology has passed into 3 or 4 stages, then you cannot avoid surgery. Modern technologies allow such operations to be performed without large incisions and bring minimal damage to a woman’s health.
Be healthy and take care of yourself.

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