Simple ways to deal with procrastination.

Many of you have probably noticed that you are trying to find something unnecessary to do in order not to do an important task. You can say they are just lazy and unresponsive people. Are you sure it is so?

This phenomenon is called procrastination. It has existed for a long time, but psychologists have become interested in studying it relatively recently. Initially, they thought that people do not know how to feel the time and do not notice how they give their time to doing unnecessary things. Delving deeper into this topic, they discovered that it is a protective reaction of the brain and psyche. If a person begins to procrastinate, then he/she needs to complete a task that is unpleasant for him. It is negative emotions that make you put off important things for the near future.

The main purpose of procrastination is to protect you from stress and negative emotions. But research has shown that this misdirection leads to more stress. An important task does not disappear anywhere, and the person begins to experience anxiety, guilt, or stress. If you procrastinate every day for long periods, it can worsen your mental health, increase anxiety, and worsen your sleep quality.

Feelings of guilt begin to haunt you, which leads to a decrease in self-esteem. As a result, your productivity decreases, your psychological balance is disturbed, and you again start using procrastination as a way to escape from reality.

You can improve the situation with the advice of psychologists on how to get rid of procrastination.

Make unpleasant things in the morning.
In the morning, your brain is more active, and you are full of energy. Therefore, you will easily cope with your task. If you put it off until later, thinking about the task ahead will distract you and drain your energy.

Complete the assignment every day.
If your assignment is big, then you can break it down into several simple parts and do each of them every day. These simple steps will help you get used to routine work, and it will not cause disgust.

Get ready for the work ahead.
You can develop an action plan, find tools to help you cope with this work. You can create a special atmosphere that will help you tune in to work.

Write a to-do list.
Such a list will help you see the amount of work needed, and it is easier for you to plan your actions.

Start with the most unpleasant and difficult cases.
When making a to-do list, write your hardest tasks first. Having done them, you can relax and continue working in a good mood.

Enjoy completing difficult tasks.
After completing a difficult or unpleasant task, thank yourself. You can reward yourself for every task you complete. At the same time, your self-esteem should grow from the fact that you did it despite all the obstacles. You did it.

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