Some recommendations to preserve your relationship and make it harmonious.


Each couple goes through different stages of the relationship during which they can feel the happiest or most unhappy. Some people think that true love is about constant romance and positive emotions. If you are one of them, then we must warn you that in a relationship you can experience different emotions including anger, resentment, and even hatred. If you have entered a relationship in which you annoy each other, then you need to properly experience it. A happy relationship requires action from both partners. If you make the most of your efforts, your relationship will be filled with joy and happiness. Use our recommendations to preserve your relationship and make it harmonious.

Don’t be afraid to take action.
Many live in captivity of other people’s opinions and imposed stereotypes. In the era of Instagram and Facebook, you see beautiful pictures of happy couples and perceive them as reality. Then you start comparing your relationship with what you saw, and the result is not in your favor. You start to want the same flowers, gifts, and romance every day. But this is an imaginary world of the Internet, all that we see is only a show.

You can build your love and romantic how you want. You do not need to expect any steps from the partner. Take the first step towards him/her. You can give him/her a hint, tell him directly, or organize the evening yourself. But there must be a balance. If your partner is used to the fact that you do everything yourself, then this is a violation of energy exchange.

Also, you should pay attention to all the good things that happen in your relationship. Enjoy every moment with your partner and do not expect from him what he/she cannot give you. Your partner is not responsible for your feelings, you must understand what makes you happy and how to achieve it. Go in the direction of your happiness and allow your relationship to develop the way you both want.

Each of your actions leads to a certain result. Therefore, do not be afraid to act and build your relationship as it suits you. Small and simple steps like a sweet word, a kiss, a nice conversation in the evening, and watching a movie together can bring you closer to each other. Add something new to your every day, and your relationship will improve.

Give your love unrequited.
In some pairs, there is a competition who is better and who is worse. People begin to figure out who has invested more in the relationship, who has given more gifts, who has refused to spend time together many times, and so on. Such counting leads to sad results, but the most important thing is that there is no happiness in this pair. You should learn to give your love without demanding repayment immediately. Your partner is an adult and understands that he should also invest in relationships. Each of you has your own life, and your rhythms may not coincide. Therefore, your partner will contribute to your relationship when he/she can. Don’t count the points, this is not a game.

Turn off your inner critic and look at your partner with gratitude, don’t look for flaws in him/her.

A healthy relationship is when both partners take certain actions to meet each other. If you notice that your partner is not taking any action at all, then it may not be your partner. Let him/her go away.
Rudeness, aggression, and anger are unacceptable in love. There is no need to save something that does not exist.

Talk about your desires.
You’ve probably noticed that despite the romance of surprises, many are disappointed when they receive them. People cannot read each other’s thoughts, and this leads to misunderstandings. If you want something or expect certain actions from your partner, tell him/her directly about it. He/she will not be able to guess what you are waiting for, and this will lead to scandal or resentment. You must learn to understand yourself and your desires. How can your partner satisfy you and make you happy if you don’t know what you want?
A sincere conversation is a necessary part of a healthy relationship to prevent frustration.
During the conversation, do not blame your partner for your negative emotions; just share your feelings with him/her. After all, you can say “I miss you” instead of “You don’t pay attention to me.” How your relationship will develop further depends on your choice of words.

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