Last time TV news forms the mood of most people. During the day, everyone watches the development of the coronavirus. And, optimism decreases immediately, which very badly affects the level of health. Scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health, argue that the level of optimism affects the cardiovascular system. Optimism helps the body stay healthy and resist the whites of the heart.

After studying the results of more than 200 studies on the influence of mood on human health, scientists concluded that psychological health affects physical. People who often experience a sense of joy and happiness are less susceptible to cardiovascular disease.
In the course of the study, it was discovered that optimistic people lead a fairly correct lifestyle. They are attentive to their body and state of mind. They take care of themselves. They try to saturate their body only with healthy products. Optimists train regularly and devote enough time to sleep. Thanks to this lifestyle, their nervous system is in a stable state. All these factors have a positive effect on blood pressure, cholesterol levels. As a result, their heart has a higher level of protection against stroke. The influence of positive thinking on the heart is not yet fully understood. To obtain more accurate results, scientists need more researches. But, it is now clear that such negative factors as stress and depression play one of the important roles in the development of cardiovascular diseases.
Thus, try to maintain a positive outlook on life, even being on self-isolation. If it’s hard for you to think positively, then at least exercise and eat the right foods. Also, psychotherapy is a good option, which will help you take a positive view of life. Under the conditions of the coronavirus, try to find psychological help online. Many doctors have adapted to the requirements of today’s time and advise on online applications. Take this opportunity to help yourself and become happier.
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