The causes of sweating and how to reduce it.

Nobody likes to sweat. Each of us was into a situation when sweat appeared at the most inopportune moment. For example, at an important meeting or on a date, sweat gives us a lot of trouble. We begin to feel uncomfortable and are shy of our appearance, even though we are all adults and understand that this is a natural process and that all people are sweating. But some people suffer from excessive sweating, which may indicate a malfunction of their body.

We suggest understanding what sweat is and what is the norm of sweating.

Sweating is the natural process when moisture leaving our body. Sweat contains salt and minerals, which are formed during the work of various body systems. Do not confuse sweating from detoxification, as toxins are not eliminated when sweating.

The whole human body is covered with sweat glands, and sweat comes out through them. On average, an adult has 2 to 4 million sweat glands. Especially a lot of them are under the armpits, so you probably noticed that sweat first appears there.

Our body has two types of sweat glands. Some of them are on the skin and react to heat. Their task is to release moisture to cool the body. The second type of sweat gland is located in the hair follicles. And it is these glands that secrete sweat during emotional stress. They are called apocrine glands and it is they that secrete sweat which has an unpleasant odor.

The causes of sweat.
Changes in temperature or an emotional upsurge cause sweat glands to become active and they begin to produce sweat. The organ that controls sweating is the nervous system. Disruption of this system leads to a violation of sweating. It is impossible to control this process, you can only reduce sweating in some places with the help of cosmetic means. But with a lot of stress or active physical activity, they may not be able to cope, too. But, do not try to find a way to stop sweating. This is normal and natural. Intervention in this process can lead to negative consequences.

Sometimes excessive sweating can occur as a result of infectious diseases when alternating periods of increase and a sharp decrease in temperature. A sharp decrease in temperature during viral infections (influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, mononucleosis), bacterial diseases (pneumonia, tuberculosis, endocarditis, lung abscess), septic fever is always accompanied by profuse sweating. Several tumors also give a symptom such as increased sweating.

An adult produces an average of about 4 cups of sweat per day. If you notice that you are sweating even with the slightest movement or manifestation of any emotion, then this is the reason you will see a doctor. But this does not mean that you are a pain. The doctor will do some tests and find out if your sweating level is natural for you or is it a symptom of a disease. We are all individuals, and each body works in its unique regime, including sweat glands.

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