Vegetarian products which help increase the muscle mass

If you are a vegetarian or vegan, this does not mean that you cannot increase the muscle mass of your body. Many people think that vegetarianism hinders the creation of a sculpted body due to the insufficient amount of protein that is needed to build muscle. All scientists and nutritionists say that protein is necessary for athletes, but this does not mean that vegetarianism cannot provide them with enough protein. Also, they argue that it is not enough to eat a certain amount of protein, it is important to distribute it correctly throughout the day.

As many studies show, it is necessary to consume 0.5-7.7 grams of protein per pound of body weight for the normal functioning of the body. If we count, an adult man weighing 150 pounds needs 75-105 grams of protein per day and it must be divided into three meals.

A study that examined the effect of protein on athletes showed that eating soymilk significantly increased muscle mass. Also, those who drank soymilk noticed that they became less tired and their endurance increased. As the tests showed, biological readings improved compared to those who did not take milk. Therefore, if you want to consume more protein, you can add soymilk to your diet or products based on it.

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Nevertheless, not only soymilk can help vegetarians replenish their body’s protein supply. Some plant foods contain a large amount of protein in their composition and their daily use can give the necessary dose of protein.Nuts
Some people who are trying to lose weight refuse to eat nuts because of their high-fat content. Nevertheless, they do not understand that these are the right fats that help them body burn internal fat if they eat them moderately. Also, nuts contain a high level of protein, and nut milk is rich in protein. As the research shows, one serving of peanut milk contains 160 calories, but those calories are of high quality and benefit your body.


Some people who are trying to lose weight refuse to eat nuts because of their high-fat content. Nevertheless, they do not understand that these are the right fats that help them body burn internal fat if they eat them moderately. Also, nuts contain a high level of protein, and nut milk is rich in protein. As the research shows, one serving of peanut milk contains 160 calories, but those calories are of high quality and benefit your body.

People often neglect such a simple and cheap product as beans. Moreover, this is a big mistake, because all types of beans contain a lot of protein and are in second place in the list of protein products, giving way to the meat. Also, beans do not contain fats and are rich in fiber. Although scientists believe that this is not a complete protein, those amino acids that are contained in beans will be an indispensable tool when you work with the body.

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Lentils, peas, chickpeas, soybeans should be in the diet of every vegan or vegetarian. They do not contain cholesterol, fat, and they saturate the body with fiber and protein like beans.

Leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables
If you like a varied menu, but do not know, which products are right for you, we recommend you include leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables in any form in your daily diet. You can make salads, smoothies or cocktails. If you add broccoli, cabbage, or peas to each meal, you can increase your protein intake by an average of 15 grams daily, which is a good bonus to your diet.

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Pea Protein Powder
If you cannot consume so many vegetables or nuts, you can use natural pea protein powder. It is made from natural products and will contain a high concentration of protein. Follow the instructions and you can create a beautiful and sculpted body.

Chia seeds
These small seeds are one of the best sources of vegetable protein, good fat, and omega-3s. You can add it to various dishes or make fruit pudding. One tablespoon will give you 3 grams of protein and the right fats.

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