Watermelon: benefit or harm?


Summer is not only sun and beach, but also a variety of fruits and berries. Probably, many of you love the summer for the opportunity to eat sweet watermelon.
In addition to its enchanting taste, it provides you with beneficial vitamins and minerals. Watermelon contains vitamins A, C and a huge amount of antioxidants.

Nutritionists assure that moderate consumption of watermelon can benefit your health and give you taste pleasure.

Useful properties of watermelon.

Contains antioxidants.
Watermelon is rich in antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals in the body and protect cells from oxidative stress.

Reduces appetite.
Watermelon contains a lot of liquid, which fills your stomach and makes you feel full. Although, it does not last long. Therefore, watermelon can be used as a snack to reduce appetite.

You can eat watermelon while you are losing weight.
If you try to lose weight, you can consume a variety of berries, including watermelon. But, the daily portion should not exceed 300 grams. Watermelon contains a lot of fructose, so excessive consumption leads to weight gain.

Negative effects of eating watermelon.
If you have stomach ailments or inflammation in the intestines, watermelon can make the situation worse. High fructose levels can trigger the growth of bacteria in the intestines. As a result, you get diarrhea, bloating, or intestinal pain. Also, people who suffer from diabetes should eat watermelon with caution because it can cause an increase in blood sugar.

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