Pomegranate: benefits and harms to the body


Most modern people living in cities have weak immunity, which puts them at risk of contracting various viral diseases. During the COVID-19 pandemic, strengthening the immune system becomes a priority task. As a rule, people are accustomed to using various medications to strengthen the immune system. But you can use a different path to improve your health. You can get all the nutrients you need from healthy foods by incorporating them into your diet. One of the useful products that have many positive properties is pomegranate.

This fruit grows in dry, subtropical climates and is available for purchase at any supermarket or vegetable stand.

Pomegranate seeds contain many vitamins such as C, B6, B12, P, and trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, iodine, iron, sodium.

Also, pomegranate contains various vegetable acids: citric, malic, tartaric, oxalic, succinic. These acids are involved in indigestion. If you are deficient in these acids, then your digestive system may have difficulty working. If you want to improve your digestion, you should include pomegranate in your diet because it is rich in fiber, which ensures fast and quality digestion. Doctors recommend using pomegranate for those who have an intestinal obstruction and persistent constipation.

Pomegranate contains 14 amino acids that are not produced by your body. They are essential for the healthy functioning of your body.

Pomegranate contains pectins, which remove radionuclides, toxins, and heavy metals from the body.

Despite such a gorgeous composition and a variety of useful substances, the pomegranate is a low-calorie product, so you can use it without fear of ruining your shape of the body. 100 g of pomegranate pulp has 56 calories, 20 grams of carbohydrates, and 0.7 protein. Fats are practically absent in pomegranate, and their amount does not exceed 0.6 g.

Thanks to its composition, pomegranate has many useful properties, namely:

  • strengthens the cardiovascular system,
  • improves the function of the thyroid gland,
  • improves blood composition,
  • increases hemoglobin,
  • has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects,
  • improves lung function,
  • enhances immunity,
  • protects the body from colds and viruses,
  • reduce pressure,
  • removes radioactive substances and toxins from the body,
  • eliminates the consequences of poisoning,
  • heals the liver.

Pomegranate is an indispensable tool for reducing the negative manifestations of menopause in women. Pomegranate contains the plant hormone estrogen, which reduces the symptoms of menopause, and their manifestation becomes less violent. Also, vitamins and trace elements in pomegranate help to maintain the beauty, youth, and health of skin and hair.

The benefits of pomegranate for women does not mean that this fruit is useless for men. The presence of vitamin B12 stimulates blood circulation and helps get rid of problems with potency.

Even though you are consuming the pulp of the fruit, its skins and seeds have healing properties, too. They contain tannins, antioxidants, and phenols. As a rule, the peel and pomegranate seeds are used for the preparation of tinctures, decoctions, and ointments. Preparations based on pomegranate peel act on oxidative processes, cleanse the liver, and lower the level of bad cholesterol. Due to the high content of various substances, preparations based on pomegranate peel and seeds must be taken only as directed by a doctor and not exceed the permissible rate.

Medicines based on pomegranate seeds are used to treat diabetes and normalize bowel function. Consuming the seeds along with the pulp helps cleanse waste from the intestines. It is an excellent remedy for constipation. Also, pomegranate seeds contain essential oils that improve the functioning of all the systems in your body.

As well as any useful product with a huge amount of nutrients, pomegranate has contraindications. If you suffer from inflammatory processes in the intestines, then you should stop using pomegranate seeds as they can damage the inflamed intestinal walls. Doctors do not recommend giving it to children under the age of two.

Also, pomegranate is contraindicated for those who have:

  • low pressure,
  • gastritis, ulcer, enteritis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • individual intolerance to pomegranate;
  • allergy;
  • increased acidity of the stomach.

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