When you first met your partner, went with him on a first date, you probably experienced vivid emotions. The passion between you knew no bounds, and you were sure that it would always be so. But then you began to notice that the brightness of meetings and proximity disappeared somewhere after living together for several years.

According to psychologists, passion is an important emotion that provokes the production of hormones. They argue that passion can be present not only in relationships between people. Sometimes we have a passion for some kind of activity.
Scientists have conducted a series of studies that have confirmed that passion in relationships goes beyond the bedroom. Feeling passion, you feel the joy of other aspects of your life. The level of satisfaction with life is increasing.
It is good when you experience the kind of emotions that make your life full. Experts in the field of relationships and sex argue that relationships without passion are friendships. Therefore, pay attention to your relationship with your partner and make sure that your relationship has a passion. Maybe it is already starting to fade, but this is not a reason to be upset. It can be fixed.
Experts name several characteristics that are inherent in a passionate relationship. Having studied them, you will be able to explore your level of passion in your relationship. If you think that some points have disappeared from your relationship, then you should pay more attention to it.
Do not compromise with yourself. Build relationships based on love, respect, and passion. Of course, passion will fade and a flare-up in your path. But if you pay due attention to this part of your life, passion will always be with you.
Signs of passion:
- You are interested in the life of your partner.
- You accept the strengths and weaknesses of your partner.
- You want to have a common future with your partner.
- You want to touch each other. It’s not about sex. You should want to touch his/her hands, you like it when he/she touches your hair while watching a movie and so on.
- You share your experiences, feelings with each other and are not afraid to look stupid.
- You can joke and laugh with each other.
- You motivate each other for various achievements.
- You pay attention to each other and your relationship. You are working to improve your relationship.
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