Safety during online dating.

Are you lonely during quarantine and cannot go on a date? Perhaps you should use online dating. As recent research shows, online dating is becoming very popular among people of different ages. This dating method has several advantages. Nevertheless, unfortunately, using it you can get into unpleasant situations. To avoid this, we suggest using some methods that will help you to be safe.

By giving personal information to a new online friend, you are in danger of lose your data, photos, and other information. Many scammers use dating sites for financial swindles. Also, after you decide to move to a new level of your relationship and meet in real life, it may turn out that your friend is completely different from he/she is in the online world.

We do not urge you to refuse online dating, just be careful and do not let the stranger harm you.

The correct photo.
When filling out a questionnaire on a dating site, you will need your photo. We do not recommend using photos from your social networks, as this simplifies the search for information about you on the Internet. Thus, information about your personal life will be available to all comers. A good solution is the additional protection of your pages on social networks.

Keep your data.
Do not rush to indicate your phone number, social networks, last name and place of residence. Let this information remain only with you until you are sure that you are communicating with a decent person. Sometimes criminals use dating sites to collect information about potential victims.
Therefore, do not tell them where you live and how you can be found.

Communicate only within the application or site.
By exchanging messages within the community, you protect yourself from leakage of information or the use of your data. If you feel that something is not going well, you can complain to the site administration.

Use Google Calls.
If you do not like to print messages and want to hear the voice of your interlocutor, use the phone number Google for this. Getting a number is quite easy, and you get the protection of your data. Google Voice provides the ability to forward calls to your number.

Precautions during the first meeting face to face.
Do not settle for a meeting in a hotel or the apartment of your new friend. Choose only crowded places, you should among people all the time during a date. Before going to a meeting, tell your friends and relatives where and with whom you are going, and ask them to call you at a certain time to make sure that you are safe.

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