The consequences of bullying in childhood.


Children can be cruel. They learn to build personal boundaries and respect others. This process takes a long time if parents and teachers do not help the child to cope with aggression, they show it to other children. Also, in a group of children, group bullying may appear. Very often in the classroom, one child becomes the victim of physical and psychological bullying by classmates.

Any child who is different from their peers can become a victim of bullying. For example, wears different clothes, studies well, attends dance classes, and so on. Anything that makes a child stand out from the crowd can cause aggression in classmates. Bullers are children who receive little attention and love from their parents or live in an aggressive environment. So they try to get their attention using this method. This is a cry for help. However, many parents ignore this signal and instead of love give punishment to these children, which generates a lot of aggression.

The consequences of bullying haunt a child for life if they do not receive the necessary help from a specialist and parents. Many victims of bullying are afraid to talk about what is happening, which leads to serious psychological illness and suicide. Bullying results in intense stress that causes the body to react accordingly. An adrenaline rush is your body’s natural response to any threat, fear, or stress. High adrenaline levels have a devastating effect on the functioning of all systems in your body, namely:

  • Disrupts the digestive system, leading to gastritis, ulcers, and colitis.
  • Rapid heartbeat and heart rhythm disturbances.
  • The brain is partially or completely blocked, which can lead to fainting and mental blockages.
  • It disrupts the functioning of the immune system and can cause the development of somatic and autoimmune diseases.

Psychologists say that the consequences of bullying are manifested in all areas of a child’s life. The harm of bullying can be psychological, social, physical, and emotional.

The consequences of bullying:

  • low self-esteem,
  • depression and increased anxiety,
  • feelings of sadness and loneliness,
  • fear of communication
  • suicide,
  • headache,
  • disruption of the body’s organs,
  • sleep disturbance,
  • bed-wetting and so on.

Scientists say that getting rid of the consequences of bullying is very difficult. Parents need to respond quickly and effectively to this problem to reduce its destructive power. Adults who have been victims of childhood bullying have tremendous communication problems, cannot find work, and suffer from various mental illnesses. If children receive timely and effective help, they enter adulthood mentally healthy, can build their lives, and take responsibility for themselves.

The school administration must carefully monitor the relationship between children and respond in time to any manifestations of aggression. Children are kind and gentle creatures who can show unprecedented cruelty. Therefore, the joint efforts of parents and school administrators can prevent bullying in the classroom. Also, teachers and parents should pay attention to changes in the child’s emotional state and find out the reason for its deterioration. Do not ignore the words of children if they seem absurd to you. Try to understand what your children try to tell you. They may need help but do not know how to ask for it.

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