No time? No problem. These fast-paced bodyweight workouts will torch tons of calories and fat—and build muscle—in no time (and with minimal equipment). The key to making bodyweight training effective for weight loss? Focusing on compound movements rather than ones that isolate one muscle at a time.
“All these movements are compound movements challenging your total body and can help you torch fat,” personal trainer Nick Rodocoy, who created the first five bodyweight workouts below, tells Men’s Journal. (The other five bodyweight workouts were created by strength coach Lee Boyce.) Compound moves work multiple large muscle groups simultaneously—the more muscles involved, the more work that gets done and the more calories you burn.
Outside of sheer convenience, there are other reasons to add this type of training into your routine.
“Bodyweight workouts are great if you want to give your body a rest from heavy lifting or just switch your program up,” says Rodocoy. While great for bulking up quickly, heavy lifting isn’t exactly gentle on your muscles and joints. A little low-impact work—that still gets you serious results—can ensure you stay injury-free and healthy. Try these bodyweight workouts to reap the benefits.
The 5 Best Bodyweight Workouts for Weight Loss
Workout 1
Directions: Do one move after the next without rest. Record your time. Repeat 3 to 4 times. Try to beat your overall time every week.
- Bodyweight Squat x 15
- Jump Squat x 15
- Reverse Lunge x 10
- Sumo Lunge x 10
Workout 2
Directions: Spend 45 minutes running through these movements, only resting as needed. Record your overall time and try to beat it every week.
- Clap Pushup x 10
- Bodyweight Row/Inverted Row x 10–15
- Pistol Squat to Bench x 8
- Feet-elevated Pushup x 10
- Pullup x 6–8
- Single-leg Hip Bridge (on bench) x 8
- Plank to Pushup x 10 (each side)
Workout 3
Directions: Perform this routine as a ladder sequence (Do 1 of each exercise, then 2, etc. all the way up to 10. Then go back down from 10 to 1.) Rest when needed and record your time. Try to beat it every week.
- Pullup
- Dip
- Jump Lunge
- Leg Raise
Workout 4
Directions: Do one exercise after the next and repeat as many times as possible in 45 minutes.
- Inverted Row x 15
- Handstand Pushup x 8–10
- Side Lying Oblique Hold (20 sec. hold each side)
- Pistol to Bench x 10
Workout 5
Directions: 30 on, then 15 off for 4 rounds. For example, do 30 seconds of clap pushups/regular pushups/knee pushups and then rest for 15 seconds. Then do 30 seconds of mountain climbers and rest for 15 seconds. Repeat three more times, then move on to the second set of exercises.
- Round 1
- Clap Pushup, Regular Pushup, Knee Pushup
- Mountain Climber
- Round 2
- Inverted Row (adjust feet as needed)
- Walkout
- Round 3
- Alternating Reverse Lunge
- Plank to Pushup
Workout 6
Directions: This workout contains a mix of straight sets and supersets. Straight sets are listed as A, B, or C. Perform the set and immediately take the prescribed rest. Supersets involve pairing two movements back to back. They’re listed as A1 and A2, B1 and B2, etc. For these, perform one set of each movement and then take the prescribed rest.
- A. TRX Single-leg Burpee 4 x 10 (each leg): Start in a standing position. Put one foot in both straps of a standard TRX so that your foot is suspended off the ground behind you. Keep your other foot firmly planted on the floor. Next, plant both hands on the ground and assume a plank position with the free leg off the ground and parallel to the suspended one. Hold for a second, then return the free foot to the starting position and stand up. That’s one rep. Rest 90 seconds between rounds.
- B1. Shrimp Squat x 8 (each leg)
- B2. Bear to Squat x 10: Start in a bear stance: Face downward with your hands and feet on the ground and your knees bent and hovering off the floor by a couple of inches. In one motion, push off with your hands to bring your body to an upright squatting position with flat heels. Hold the deep squat, then return to the bear stance in one motion. That’s one rep. Perform B1 and B2 as a superset for 4 rounds. Rest 60 seconds between rounds.
- C. Tiger Sit-out x 8 (each side): See this video demo.
- D. Treadmill Backward Incline Walk x 10 min. (incline 10–12, speed 2.5 mph)
Workout 7
Directions: This workout contains a mix of straight sets and supersets. Straight sets are listed as A, B, or C. Perform the set and immediately take the prescribed rest. Supersets involve pairing two movements back to back. They’re listed as A1 and A2, B1 and B2, etc. For these, perform one set of each movement and then take the prescribed rest.
- A. Jump Rope x 1 min. on, 1 min. off (12 min. total)
- B1. Toe Touch x 10 (each side): Start in a crab position (face up with your hands and feet planted on the ground and your butt raised off the floor). Carefully lift the left foot and the right hand, and make them touch at the midpoint of the distance between them. Return to the start position and repeat with the opposite limbs. That’s one rep.
- B2. Treadmill Push x 30 sec.: Start in a pushup position with your hands on the rear portion of a treadmill (on the belt) with the machine turned off. Alternating your hands, push forward and move the belt. Perform B1 and B2 as a superset for 4 rounds. Rest 60 seconds between rounds.
- C1. Bodyweight Slow Tempo Squat x 10
- C2. Squat Jump x 10: Start in a squat position and jump upward, lifting off the ground with arms pointed straight up, for each rep. Alternatively, you can attach resistance bands to weights on the ground and wrap the bands around each shoulder to increase the resistance. Perform C1 and C2 as a superset for 4 rounds. Rest 60 seconds between rounds.
Workout 8
Directions: This workout contains a mix of straight sets and supersets. Straight sets are listed as A, B, or C. Perform the set and immediately take the prescribed rest. Supersets involve pairing two movements back to back. They’re listed as A1 and A2, B1 and B2, etc. For these, perform one set of each movement and then take the prescribed rest.
- A1. Feet-elevated Pushup x 10
- A2. Eccentric-only Chinup x 6: Use a box or another stable surface to elevate yourself to eye level with the pullup bar. Grab hold of the bar and jump up to a chin-over-bar position. Slowly lower yourself to a full hang. Aim for 5 to 6 seconds of descent time. That’s one rep. Perform A1 and A2 a superset for 4 rounds. Rest 60 seconds between rounds.
- B1. Eccentric Nordic Curl x 6: Place a mat in front of a stable, sturdy object that you can place your heels under as an anchor point (like a bench that’s bolted to the floor). Kneel on the mat facing away from the object, and place your heels underneath so they touch the bottom surface of the anchor point. Bending at the knees, slowly lower yourself to the floor. Brace yourself with your hamstrings and don’t bend at the waist. Aim for your hips to make it to the ground at the same time your hands do. Once you land gently (breaking the fall with your hands), push yourself back up to your starting position and repeat.
- B2. Band-resisted Sprint x 10 sec.: Wrap a resistance band around your waist and wrap the other end around a secure stationary object, like a pillar or support column. Then push forward so that the band is stretched and sprint in place. Perform B1 and B2 as a superset for 4 rounds. Rest 60 seconds between rounds.
- C. Treadmill Incline Walk x 10 min. (incline 12, speed 3 mph)
Workout 9
Directions: This workout contains a mix of straight sets and supersets. Straight sets are listed as A, B, or C. Perform the set and immediately take the prescribed rest. Supersets involve pairing two movements back to back. They’re listed as A1 and A2, B1 and B2, etc. For these, perform one set of each movement and then take the prescribed rest.
- A1. 4-point Touch x 5: Assume a pushup start position. Touch one shoulder with the opposite hand (e.g. left hand touches right shoulder), and then touch the opposite shoulder with the other hand. Next, reach across and touch one thigh with the opposite hand, and then touch the opposite thigh with the other hand. Move slowly and don’t let your body twist or sag as you move. Touching all four points equals 1 rep.
- A2. Bear Dog x 5 (each side): You’ve heard of bird dogs? This bodyweight workout variation will take things up a notch. Start in a bear stance (similar to a pushup stance, except with your feet spread a bit farther apart). Slowly raise your right arm and left leg simultaneously without tipping over. Aim for the limbs to be fully straightened before lowering them to the floor and repeating with the opposite limbs. Doing each side once equals one rep. Perform A1 and A2 as a superset for 4 rounds. Rest 60 seconds between rounds.
- B1. TRX Body Saw x 10: Set up your TRX so the handles are about 1 foot off the ground. Start in a plank position with one foot in each handle. Press backward with your elbows and forearms to slowly move your body away from your fists. Maintain a flat spine and braced core. Return to your start position slowly. Attempt to move a distance of about 6 to 8 inches in each direction.
- B2. TRX Hamstring Curl x 10: Perform B1 and B2 as a superset for 4 rounds. Rest 60 seconds between rounds.
- C. TRX Pike 4 x 10: Set up your TRX so the handles are about 1 foot off the ground. Start in a plank position with one foot in each handle. Engage your core and drive your hips upward and forward, keeping your back straight, so your body creates an upside-down v.
Workout 10
Directions: Perform exercises 1, 2, and 4 outside on a hill. Exercise 3 can be done on flat ground.
- Uphill Lunge 3 x 20 strides: Rest 60 seconds between rounds.
- Uphill Double Leg Bound 3 x 10: Start in a squat position. Jump forward, swinging both arms forward and lifting both feet off the ground, and try to fully extend your body in mid-air. Land in a squat and hold that position for three seconds before jumping again.
- Glute Bridge Walkout x 10 (each side): Start by lying down on your back with your legs bent 90 degrees at the knee and your hips raised off the ground. Keeping your hips raised, extend one leg (being careful not to hyperextend your knee) out and then return it the the 90-degree position. Repeat with the opposite leg.
- Hill Sprints 6 x 40m (90 percent effort)
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