First steps in meditation.

You hear about the benefits of meditation and understand that it is something that can help you improve the quality of your life, but your every attempt to do it fails. Every beginner faces difficulties. Some of them cannot concentrate and are distracted by different thoughts, someone cannot understand the meaning and see the effect of meditation, and meditation is a tedious process for someone. All these difficulties arise in people depending on their nature. Therefore, if you are faced with obstacles and self-sabotage in the initial stage of learning meditation, then do not despair and continue on your way to your goal. Even small steps will lead you to a big goal.

Also, a huge number of books, websites, coaches can help you go through all these difficulties and learn to meditate. Meditation allows you to empower your body and mind. It’s a great skill to manage your life and energy.

Of course, there are other faster ways to increase your energy and performance, but they have short-term results and can harm your health.

Meditation is cumulative and improves your life in the long term. This method of relaxing has been used by thousands of people for centuries.

If you have already tried to meditate, but the process did not please you or annoyed you, then there are some tips to help you learn to meditate.

Walking meditation is a type of traditional meditation that has been used by people around the world for centuries. Your task is to focus your attention on the here and now. Therefore, you should notice everything that you see around you while walking, such as the sun, sky, trees, and people. In doing so, you must be aware of your breathing and steps. A walk like this will help you learn to be in the moment and listen to yourself and your feelings. Plus, movement helps your body release heavy energy and stress.

Use water.
You may have noticed that the most interesting and useful ideas came to your mind in the shower or bath. This fact is scientifically substantiated. Scientists claim that water helps relax your body and brain, and your subconscious mind starts talking to you. Therefore, you can use lying in warm water as a form of meditation. Light the candles, play some relaxing music, and immerse yourself in your senses. Feel how the water touches your body, how it relaxes, and you sink into relaxation.

Drive a car.
The road takes all your attention, and you forget about problems and stress. Therefore, get behind the wheel, turn on the music, and drive on a road where there is no heavy traffic. At this moment, all your attention is focused on one object, and your nerve system relaxes, and you move to other frequencies of your energy.

Give thanks.
The feeling of gratitude is the most powerful feeling that can transform your entire emotional state. At the same time, you do not need to say out loud words of gratitude to someone. Sit down and realize how grateful you are. Experience it deep in your body and capture this feeling in your memory. Every cell in your body should feel grateful. Thank you for everything you remember. Even the smile of a passer-by is a reason to thank this world. Do not skimp on gratitude, and your life will begin to change.

Download the app.
Using audio recordings of meditations or applications, you can understand the process as they describe every step you need to take. You follow the instructions and get into meditation.

Start with a little time.
Many people think that meditation is a long process that takes several hours, so it is not available to a working person. Two minutes can improve your condition significantly if you use it correctly. Of course, long-term meditation has the best effect, but for beginners, it is hard to sit for an hour in meditation. So start with two minutes and add a few minutes each week. So in a couple of months of practice, you can meditate for 20-30 minutes and get pleasure from the process and results.

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