How often do you remember about yourself? Your thoughts are directed to work, family, friends, and others. And one day your body and brain refuse to work. You are mentally and physically exhausted. And only then you begin to remember that you need care. This could have been avoided if you were taking care of yourself. Some people are afraid to take care of themselves because they think that this is selfish. It is not true. Taking care of yourself gives many advantages not only to you but also to the people around you.
Self-care begins with nutrition, physical activity, and emotional state. If you think that trips to beauty salons and plastic surgeons are self-care, then you are mistaken. The first sign of care is the acceptance of your body with its shortcomings and virtues.

But at the same time, you should understand that sport is an important part of health. A person who takes care of himself is involved in sports to be healthy, and not to match someone else’s parameters.
This also applies to food. A hard diet for weight loss is not self-care, it is a mockery. You should choose a nutrition system that makes your body healthy and energetic.
But as practice shows, people do not know how to take care of themselves. For them, this is a difficult job that they do not want to do. Taking care of others is much easier than taking care of you. But, despite this, you should take the first step towards you.
But before you begin to pay attention to your needs, we want to warn you that you may have a feeling of guilt that you spend time for yourself. Don’t stop and continue to care about yourself. In some time you realize that you in the right way.
Once you take care of yourself, your loved ones will become happier. After all, everyone is pleased to be near a happy, healthy, and joyful person. Taking care of yourself, you will have more strength and energy for your loved ones.
Therefore, do not hesitate and begin to act.
You should remember that taking care of yourself is what you want and what makes you happy. Self-care is not a set of rules and restrictions. This is an easy process that gives you joy. Therefore, create your list of things that are a sign of concern for you. Do not demand the fulfillment of these desires from other people, give everything to yourself. When people see that you care about themselves, they too will begin to show respect and care for you.
We offer you several options for things that will help you build relationships with yourself. You can ignore it or take something for yourself.
- Say “no” to everything that takes your strength and energy: extra work at night, unscheduled meetings, free extra work, and more.
- Eat healthy food but sometimes (once a week) allow yourself something unhealthy.
- Sleep enough.
- Exercises.
- Pay attention to your health and go to the doctor.
- Relax: walking, meditating, or other healthy ways.
- Spend time with your loved ones as often as possible. If you live together, then spend at least 15 minutes talking together.
- Spend time every day on your hobby.
- Laugh, have fun, fool around.
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