You probably already heard about a new type of food that heals the body and helps bring your weight back to normal. Every day more and more people become followers of this ideology and move to a new food system. The essence of this system is interval fasting, which is carried out according to different schemes. If you have already tried to eat according to this scheme, you may have some questions. If you are hearing about it for the first time, then in this article we will try to reveal the main points of this food that will help you understand whether or not interval fasting is suitable for you.

It should be noted that this is not a diet; it is a system that has been confirmed by research and reveals the usefulness of a little fasting for the human body.
Sports nutritionist Jordan Mazur, who is developing a nutrition system for 49ers players, expressed his opinion on this matter and explained what is it IF.
What is the difference between interval fasting and diet?
The last few years have begun talking about interval starvation, although this system has existed for several centuries. But she had no scientific evidence and no one spoke much about her. But after the media began to raise this issue, this topic was widely discussed in the field of dietetics and several documentaries were released that reveal the whole essence of interval fasting.
IF cannot be called a diet, since this scheme does not provide for the consumption of a certain type of product or the exclusion of other types. It is more focused on eating cycles. It is these cycles that determine the type of interval starvation.
- The most difficult IF scheme is 24/0. It can be used no more than once a week and it provides for the refusal of food for a day. You can only drink water.
- Scheme 5: 2. Using this scheme, you limit food calories to 500 calories two days a week, and on other days eat as usual, but don’t transmit.
- Scheme 16: 8. This is the most popular and simple scheme of interval fasting, during which you can eat only 8 hours and the remaining 16 hours you drink only water. It should be understood that the caloric content of food during 8 hours should not be critical. Try to eat healthy and nutritious food by breaking it into 3 meals for 8 hours. You choose which part of the meals you skip – dinner or breakfast, the main thing is to adhere to the 16:8 scheme.
Does interval fasting help you lose weight?
The fact that starvation affects the human body is a fact. Its influence occurs at the molecular level and brings with it several changes in various body systems.
- The first fact that scientists have established is the fact of the effect of starvation on the human hormonal system. As a result of this effect, growth hormone is produced, which burns fats and positively affects cell regeneration.
- The second positive effect is a decrease in insulin levels during fasting, which leads to a breakdown of internal fat and as a result, body weight decreases.
- The third fact that scientists have called positive is the improvement of metabolism, the reduction of inflammatory processes and chronic diseases.

Although interval fasting has become very popular among people who want to reduce their body weight, it requires more additional research. Therefore, before using one of the proposed interval fasting systems, consult with your doctor.
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