The 2020 pandemic has changed our world. For most people, the world collapsed and plunged into chaos. Fears and anxiety have become an integral part of many people. We agree that this is a time of change that is happening very quickly, and not everyone can take that tempo. But we must learn to live in a new reality. Perhaps quarantine has given many of us a chance to change something in our lives, to revise old habits that did not bring us happiness. Each of us has a choice on which way to go next. One way is to live constantly in fear, anxiety, and complaints. Another way is to accept the situation and take advantage of new opportunities.

If you choose the second path but do not know how to start -start with meditation.
This quite simple way helps to combat anxiety and fears. In this case, you do not need additional resources; everything is in your hands.
Do not underestimate the effects of meditation on a person’s mental health. The regular use of meditation brings benefits that change your attitude towards life. At the same time, meditation is not a mystical device that only fanatics of a certain worldview use. Scientists have repeatedly proved that meditation is a good habit that must be used to improve the quality of life.
In the course of the research, it was found that people who meditate every day for at least 20 minutes have a low level of anxiety, and they can quickly cope with negative emotions in difficult minutes.
Meditation before going to bed allows you to get rid of thoughts that constantly spin in our heads and cause anxiety. During meditation, neural connections arise that are responsible for calm and relaxation. Thus, your nervous system goes into a quiet mode, and your sleep becomes deep.
During meditation, awareness of reality occurs. We are starting to focus on the moment here and now. In this way, we let go of our thoughts about future events.
We can talk a lot about the benefits of meditation, but you will not understand them completely until you experience its influence on yourself.
Do not think that meditating every day is hard. There are a few simple steps to help you get a new habit.
Try to meditate at the same time every day. It can be both morning and evening. Time does not affect the quality of meditation.
You can make a timetable and put it in a conspicuous place. So you can control yourself and not forget about the practice of meditation.
A good solution is to download a meditation application that will help you get into practice. If you do not want to follow someone else’s voice in meditation, you can do it yourself by setting a timer for five minutes. This time is enough to get used to meditation. Then you will increase the time, and in a month you will learn how to feel the time, and the timer will not be needed for you.
You should not start with complex meditation techniques. Start with a simple meditation – focusing on the breath. You must watch your breath in and out. Do not scold yourself if you notice that you are distracted by other thoughts. Just go back to watching your breath.
Experts recommend ending each meditation session with the practice of gratitude. You should thank the Universe, God (if you are a believer), the world around you, and yourself. Pay your attention to this process for 30 seconds.
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